Cellular Health Supports

All about Body Bio products

Knowing where to start when it comes to our health can be overwhelming, especially with the abundance of information available to us. As a holistic practitioner, I prioritize testing and evidence-based approaches when recommending supplements and protocols. That being said, there are a few foundational supports I’d like to share that can greatly contribute to cellular health. Before diving into detoxification, it’s crucial to address the healing process at the cellular level. Personally, I prefer using Body Bio for brain and gut health as a starting point. When it comes to hormone support, it all begins at the cellular level, and essential fatty acids (EFA’s) are truly essential for maintaining healthy hormones.

What impacts cellular heath?

  • overuse of antibiotics
  • stress/trauma
  • underlying infections in the body 
  • heavy metals/toxins
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • mold toxicity
  • pesticides/herbicides
  • severe oxidative stress 
  • unhealthy gut microbiome
  • processed foods with seed oils (fast food)

PC Complex

Supportive for:

  • brain health
  • repairing cell membrane
  • enhancing nerve function
  • choline source during pregnancy
  • supporting cognitive function
  • improving liver health
  • supporting liver function and stabilizing bile
  • supporting the cells from/during mold exposure

Tip: I prefer the liquid source since it can be dosed as low/high as wanted. Also, you get more for $ with liquid vs capsules. The taste can be off-putting to some, my tip is to open the bottle for a little bit to help get ethanol out. I usually use a spoon and drink juice after – but I honestly don’t mind the taste! *Start slow, it can cause detox reactions for those sensitive

If there was one product to choose – I would personally always choose PC

Available in capsules and liquid

Balance Oil

Supportive for:

  • improving brain function
  • immune health
  • heart health
  • gut health
  • cellular function
  • healthy skin and hair
  • healthy aging

Blend of Omega 6 + 3 in a 4:1 ratio derived from safflower seed oil and flax seed oil. Many people are struggling with essential fatty acid deficiency, this is one way to incorporate a healthy blend of Omega’s at the highest quality.

Available in capsules and liquid


Supportive for:

  • gut health
  • immune response
  • inflammation response
  • insulin and blood sugar levels
  • brain function (clearing brain fog)
  • improving digestive symptoms

Butyrate is made in the gut – but often most people are not making enough due to antibiotic use and not enough fiber in the diet. You can learn more about Butyrate here

How do I know which one to buy?

You can’t go wrong with either but I use the calcium/magnesium as this showed up low in the functional blood panel. Often people will alternate between the two.


Supportive for:

  • stress relief
  • feelings of anxiety
  • feelings of depression
  • adrenal function
  • promotes relaxation
  • healthy aging
  • high cortisol

This is a popular option because of how incredible it is at supporting the nervous system and helping us CALM down 🙂 Let me just share, this is one of my absolute favorites! It is also supportive for those struggling with MCAS/HI. Incorporating this can help with our stress response and being able to unwind regardless of the daily stressors we endure.

Tip: if dealing with high cortisol at night (feeling tired during the day/wired at night) taking calm at night can be extremely helpful for winding down and lowering cortisol during this time.


Supportive for:

  • liver function
  • gallbladder (bile) function
  • neuroprotective
  • stabilizing cell membrane
  • digestion of fats and oils
  • assists in clearing toxins
  • immune system function
  • healthy microbiome

TUDCA is a must for supporting the liver and gallbladder – especially those who have had their gallbladder removed. I’ve shared in previous posts how important it is to support the gallbladder and this is one of my favorite supplements to utilize for just that. Great for those struggling with unpleasant symptoms such as gallbladder discomfort, inability to digest fats, hormonal imbalances, acne etc. This is another gentle but great support!


Supportive for:

  • overall gut health
  • immune function
  • metabolism
  • blood sugar balance
  • reducing leaky gut
  • reducing bad bacteria in the gut, while increasing good
  • mood and cognition

Contains pre and post biotics giving the most full rounded support for overall gut health without unwanted side effects. If sensitive, this may be a great place to begin.

→To shop Body Bio products use code ACWELL for 15% off or click here

Other ways to support our cells:

    • minimize stress + address trauma
    • detox the body from stressors
    • eat a nutrient-dense diet
    • avoid processed foods
    • get sunshine on eyes + body
    • minimize screen time
    • avoid alcohol, drugs, smoking
    • minimize use of antibiotics when possible
    • get out in nature + ground
    • avoid toxins in water, air, beauty and cleaning products


The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a replacement for medical advice. Amanda Bishop (Amanda C Wellness LLC) does not diagnose or treat disease or prescribe medical treatment. The information provided is intended to help you make informed decisions about your health, and is not meant to serve as a replacement for the advice of your primary physician. Amanda Bishop/or Amanda C Wellness LLC is not liable or responsible for any harm, damage or illness arising from the use of the information contained in this guide. Please contact your physician before implementing any new diet, supplement, exercise, food or health tool.

Affiliate Information

This guide contains affiliate partnerships. If you choose to purchase anything through one of our affiliate links, Amanda C Wellness LLC makes a commission.

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Hey there, I´m Amanda

This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about healthy living. I believe in sharing really simple, effective advice to help you improve your health & reach your goals. Combining my certifications & experience, I want to help you develop a plan to reach your goals.