Functional Testing Options

Gain answers and insight to the questions you’ve been asking

Functional Blood Chemistry Panel

  • Complete Blood Count Panel (CBC)
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
  • Full Iron Panel
  • Full Thyroid PanelĀ 
  • Urinalysis
  • Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy)
  • and more

Bioresonance Testing

The body’s energy is measurable, with everything having a charge and frequency. Bioresonance uses hair and saliva samples to measure against toxins, identifying specific frequencies impacting the body. It tests for attractants like bacteria, parasites, and chemicals, then suggests solutions like foods, supplements, and balancing protocols based on the resonating energies. Bioresonance is not a diagnostic tool but can identify resonating toxins and help restore balance in the body using energetic resonance from samples.

Additional Testing Options

Here at Amanda C Wellness, we offer extensive testing options to get even deeper insight for each client and their individual needs.

This includes:

  • MycoTOX testing
  • GI Map
  • Organic Acids (OAT)
  • DUTCH hormone testing
  • Lyme and Tickborne
  • and more

Nutritional Therapy Review

The Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ) encompasses various signs and symptoms along with their frequency to offer a glimpse into your body’s health.

This assessment aids in recognizing physical cues that might have been ignored or considered ordinary. These signs and symptoms indicate potential imbalances within the body and by doing so, we can see how the body could benefit from nutritional assistance.